Ядамсрэнгийн Хишигсүрэн
Khishigsüren Yadamsüren (Khishgee) graduated from the Mongolian National University from the Department of Philosophy in 1996. She taught at the Mongolian Teachers’ University, and worked as a Head of the Public Relations office at the Mongolian National Public Television. In 2005 she started her own research company “Maxima” that specializes in market and consumer research, public opinion polls, surveys, and consultancy. Khishgee joined the research team of the Oral History of the 20th Century of Mongolia project in 2008 and has completed 93 interviews with a variety of individuals in different regions of Mongolia.
At her company, for the last seven years, Khishigee has led over 100 projects on researching public opinions and conducted analyses. Simultaneously, for the last five years, she has been leading market research on Mongolian Media. Working together with Kantar Media and TNS Gallup Media, she is project leader for the survey and analysis of TV viewers.
Click here to see all the interviews Khishgee has conducted.