
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990033
Name: Demberel
Parent's name: Süh
Ovog: Borjigon
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1928
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: retired
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Tüshig sum, Selenge aimag
Lives in: Sühbaatar sum (or part of UB), Selenge aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
Themes for this interview are:
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education / cultural production
life in wartime
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Summary of Interview 080802A with Demberel
Demberel was born in Tsagaannuur sum of Selenge Aimag in 1928 and graduated the sum primary school and secondary school Number One in Ulaanbaatar and studied at mathematics faculty of the Mongolian National University.
He entered in school in his teens and it was mandatory for school children to stay in dormitories. At the dormitory children had a hot bath and their clothes were cleaned of lice by putting them outside.
During the war, the windows of the households were covered by black cloth in order to hide the light in the evenings.
At that time, children were interested in school and everything was provided by the school. Only one sheep was given to school for school payment. The sum submitted the names of all children to the school and only those who wanted to go went to school.