
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990041
Name: Peljid
Parent's name: [blank]
Ovog: [blank]
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1931
Ethnicity: Buriad

Additional Information
Education: secondary
Notes on education: büren dund
Work: retired
Belief: none
Born in: Hüder sum, Selenge aimag
Lives in: Sühbaatar hot sum (or part of UB), Selenge aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder

Themes for this interview are:
(Please click on a theme to see more interviews on that topic)
education / cultural production
urban issues

Alternative keywords suggested by readers for this interview are: (Please click on a keyword to see more interviews, if any, on that topic)

repressions in 1937
Dadal sum
repressions in the 1960s and 1970s
outside world

To read a full interview with Peljid please click on the Interview ID below.

Summary of Interview 080807A with Peljid

Peljid's father was arrested when he was 6 and two person came at night and arrested him. Fugitive Buriads were arrested as White Russians. At that time the border wasn't clear, so households moved back and forth. In 1924, the border was established and many people could not meet their relatives.

Her family had made their living by fattening pigs and making freezing milk to bring to Ulaanbaatar and sell. Once, her mother came back from collecting fuel, three men came and registered all their cattle and said there will be a punishment if there is any loss. Then, in next spring, they took away all registered cattle in Rashaant. They were in a difficult situation, so moved to Tarni. Around 1945, her mother forfeited her right to participate in the election because she was the wife of a counter-revolutionary and in addition they had changed their hometown.

Mainly Buriads lived in her homeland and they planted wheat and potato and each household had a sewing machine and milk processing machine. During the repression, all Buriads were arrested and had all their property except for gers confiscated.

His grandfather Nikolai was a partisan who was an interpreter during World War I and the revolutions of 1905 and 1907, but he was also arrested. People with guns came and showed a paper of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and arrested people. They interrogated the arrested people without letting them see their family members and gave them 10 years imprisonment or executed them.

Peljid learned that his father was shot when he was reviewing documents in the state archive in 1998. The repression started with the Lhümbe case in 1932 (sic – this was actually in 1933). At that time, the best 14 intellectuals were executed. Later the all-out repression continued until 1940 and in the 1960s, Nyambuu and Surmaajav were deported to because of the 'Intellectuals' Deviation' .

Peljid was also suspected as a counter-revolutionary when he filled the application form for a job as he is from Selenge.

His family had their livestock confiscated three times, first in 1932, when the commune was established, the second one in 1937 as a counter-revolutionary and third is in 1959, when the collective was established.

The bus was very rare and Chinese transported people by rickshaw (lit: 'hand carriage') when Peljid first came to the capital in 1949. Also, buildings were only starting to be constructed.

Peljid worked as a nurse at the sum clinic of Batsümber in 1948. At that time, the assistant doctor was working with two nurses only. Later he joined army voluntarily and served in the army from 1949 -1975.