
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990054
Name: Ochirdanzan
Parent's name: Gombo
Ovog: Mash otog
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1918
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: retired
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Hushaat sum, Selenge aimag
Lives in: Sühbaatar sum (or part of UB), Selenge aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: lama - loovon
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education / cultural production
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Summary of Interview 080814A with Ochirdanzan
National Hero Sühbaatar mobilized about 300 people and camped at the border of Selenge Aimag. While camping, they composed a song called Shivee Hiagt having got an idea from when the glass lantern broke.
Ochirdanzan worked at Enhtal agricultural cooperative when the agricultural cooperatives named Jargalant and Enhtal were established in 1935. Then he was mobilized and entered the army in 1938 when he was 20 and went to Ömnögobi Aimag. The agricultural cooperative named Enhtal was established from property confiscated from rich people. He was a spy and crossed the border during the Halh Gol war when he was in army, where he served for five years. He learned Cyrillic in the army.
His father was a high lama (Lovon) Mamba datsan of Amarbayasgalan temple and executed during the repressions. At that time, each inspector was obliged to arrest 25 Buriads. They were put in jail for 10 years if the person was younger than 50 and executed if the person was above 50, without any legal procedures. At that time, households hid their Buddhas, putting them in the mountains.
During the second world war, Bumtsend held a ceremony (nom huruulah) by gathering a few monks left from the repression.
In his childhood, households did not have any furniture, they made a fire in the open hearth, and washed their clothes with soda.
During the first 5 year plan, people went to jail if they did not do their duties. Many families did not want to join the collective and hid their cattle; however they were forced to join once most of the families had joined. Households were obliged to do horse relay service and Lhamjav changed this practice and shifted this obligation to the state. People were very happy for this decision.
He worked for many years after his army service. Morning exercise was mandatory when he worked as a psychical development officer at the Youth Committee. Also, he was a Governor of Altanbulag city starting in 1950. It was very hard to get the Leather factory to work due to electricity shortage. Later, a diesel motor was used and it became possible to run the factory.