
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990094
Name: Rentsennorov
Parent's name: Gendendarjaa
Ovog: Lagnaa tuslagch
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1952
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: doctor
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Dalangadzad sum, Ömnögovi aimag
Lives in: Manlai sum (or part of UB), Ömnögovi aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: lama / herder
Themes for this interview are:
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education / cultural production
illness / health
Alternative keywords suggested by readers for this interview are: (Please click on a keyword to see more interviews, if any, on that topic)
health education
Distinguished Doctor of Mongolia
To read a full interview with Rentsennorov please click on the Interview ID below.
Summary of Interview 080816A with Rentsennorov
Rentsennorov grew up in the country-side with her parents who were goat herders. She finished elementary school in Manlai sum, and went to secondary school in Tsogttsetse sum. The eighth and ninth grades she studied in Ömnögobi aimag centre. From 1971 to 1977 she studied at the Medical Institute in Ulaanbaatar. Her first job assignment was in Tsogttsetse sum. After that she was sent to work as a doctor in Nomgon sum where she spent three years. While there she decided to specialise in children’s diseases. After finishing another six-month course she was assigned to Ömnögobi aimag. She worked there as a children’s doctor in charge of all nursery schools, kindergartens and schools. When her father’s health deteriorated, in 1983 Rentsennorov requested that she be sent to her native Manlai sum. She has been working there since. She is a Distinguished Doctor of Mongolia. She is married and has two children.
Rentsennorov tells about her family. Her father’s father was repressed in 1937. Her parents joined a collective farm in 1958. One of Rentsennorov’s siblings was given to adoption to their childless relatives. The Manlai sum of her childhood, the elementary school where she studied, the dormitory where she stayed, her student years, and her job as a doctor are also recounted in detail. When she started her job, children’s diseases were widespread, for there was a practice to feed children with camel’s milk instead of breastfeeding. Among older children of school age toothache was very widespread. Rentsennorov recalls that in socialist times people were responsible and did their job full-heartedly. Nobody objected orders from their superiors. In contrast, today, especially young people cannot be bordered with being given orders; one has to talk to them, negotiate.
In the socialist period families were stable and children’s upbringing was better due to the fact that families had more children and everyone was employed. The state encouraged citizens to have many children through a system of benefits and honorary medals. Children not only create a positive atmosphere in the family but also look after their young siblings thus improving the quality of upbringing. Today many domestic problems stem from unemployment and the fact that families have less children.