
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990425
Name: Enhtuul
Parent's name: Togoohüü
Ovog: Borjigon
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1965
Ethnicity: Halh

Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: teacher
Belief: [blank]
Born in: [None Given] sum, Ulaanbaatar aimag
Lives in: Manlai sum (or part of UB), Ömnögovi aimag
Mother's profession: worker
Father's profession: worker

Themes for this interview are:
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education / cultural production
new technologies

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To read a full interview with Enhtuul please click on the Interview ID below.

Summary of Interview 080824B with Enhtuul

Enhtuul talks at length about her childhood and secondary school years. She tells how she swam in the Tuul river, what her grandmother taught her, what she did in secondary school, how she went to the cinema with her classmates, why she wanted to become an elementary school teacher, how schoolchildren were supposed to dress and behave, and how she was admitted to the pioneer organisation. According to her, education was better in the socialist period.

Another important part of her story is dedicated to her years as a teacher in Manlai sum. She tells about the following topics: what she thought of the gobi before arriving in Ömnögobi, her first impression when she started her work in a country-side school, what her job entails, how she was influenced by her older colleagues, and the distinction between city and country schools. Enkhtuul also compares today’s schools with those in the socialist past. In the past, moral education and hygiene inspections were an important part of secondary school experience. At that time the relationship between children and parents was not close and open. In contrast, today nobody teaches morals in secondary school, and checking schoolchildren’s hygiene is not understood to be the responsibility of teachers. Also, country-side schools, in her view, cannot attract the best teachers. She thinks that today people enjoy more freedom, not to mention the fact that alcoholism became widespread. Her husband is an alcoholic.

Enhtuul, who lives in a small sum and has to put up with her alcoholic husband, remembers the socialist period as a good time, not least because she had a good childhood surrounded by her loved ones, who cared for her.