Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990090
Name: Ganbold
Parent's name: Arslan
Ovog: Hövdüüd
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1951
Ethnicity: Buriad
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: Engineer, founder of Nalaih cultural, children's development center museum
Belief: none
Born in: Choibalsan sum, Dornod aimag
Lives in: Nalaih sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: pharmacist (Аптекийн эм найруулагч)
Father's profession: lawyer
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education / cultural production
politics / politicians
foreign relations
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Summary of Interview 090112B with Ganbold
Nalaih mine worked 24 hours non-stop during the socialist period. To do so there were three shifts. Nalaih was involved in coal mining. It used to send 1000 tons of coal to Ulaanbaatar per shift. The main part of the mine was 250-350 meters below the surface. Air had to be supplied because there was no air at such a depth. It meant that all the workers worked in a dangerous environment. Nalaih mine, which started operating in 1922, was the closest to the capital Ulaanbaatar. It was located 35 km away and had the goal of satisfying Ulaanbaatar’s coal demand. Firstly, the mine extracted coal manually, then with high capacity machinery from Russia since 1956. Workers from every corner of Mongolia together their families gathered and settled down in Nalaih due to its mine and established a city called Nalaih. Although working conditions were tough and workers worked under a strange motto “Extract coal no matter what happens”, the worker's safety was well-looked after. So, accidents were rare and the mining administration and government was really responsible for everything if an accident occurred.
Ganbold went to the Soviet Union first in 1981 for 7th Olympiad of Mongolian and Russian youth and students. One hundred youth each from Russia and Mongolia participated in this Olympiad and relaxed near Lake Baikal.