Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990144
Name: Gombosüren
Parent's name: Tsedendagva
Ovog: Buniihan
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1947
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education: PhD
Work: MUIS Philosophy department head
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Hairhanduulan sum, Övörhangai aimag
Lives in: Sühbaatar sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
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Summary of Interview 090309B with Gombosüren
Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party. Talking about this he said that as a result of the influence of the reform in the Soviet Union articles and programs started to appear that criticized the activity of the then Party and the state and it had an impact on the minds of the people. We used to talk about the favor of the party and the state. Originally, the party had the state power therefore I consider it was truly the favor of the people. There were many things to be criticized then, like the party grabbed the administrative work and executed it and then it evaluated it as well. It was too involved in the citizens’ private life.
In 1980 the Soviet Union started the reform officially, and in 1987 Batmönh darga said that reform was our goal as well. This word has started to be quoted and talked about a lot. The main aim of the reform was to renew the party. In 1990 during the democratic revolution he worked with much stress and burden. At that time Gombosüren bagsh worked giving more attention to the renewal of the party regulations. He was one of the fifteen scientists-reformers of the MPRP and they have incorporated together unofficially and Zardihan guai was the leader. They used to meet at the Social Science Institute and they worked not in the form of opposing their party but they worked having told the party their purpose officially.
In order to renew the party, in 1991 they formed a wing of 'traditional renewal.' The party members took their wing in with an attitude of ‘why don’t you quit the party?’ Also, on the party regulations issue, an idea of making a philosophy, but in particular materialist dialectics, party policy dominated. Therefore, the central idea of Buddhism was offered instead of materialist dialectics. They collectively wrote and published the article with the implication of the necessity of a comprehensive reform of Ünen newspaper. These articles about renewal had been published promptly by Tudev guai, the editor of Ünen. There was an idea to rename the MPRP the Mongolian National Democratic Party but the MNDP had been established separately and later it was united with the Social Democratic Party forming the present Democratic Party. Gombosüren bagsh was a member of the MNDP therefore automatically he became the Democratic Party member and in 1996 he was appointed the director of the Management Academy.