
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990145
Name: Tseren
Parent's name: Shatar
Ovog: Uranhan
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1929
Ethnicity: Halh

Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: retired / accountant
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Darvi sum, Govi-Altai aimag
Lives in: Songinohairhan sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder

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relations between men and women
keepsakes / material culture

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Summary of Interview 090310B with Tseren

People at that time had a sincere work attitude. Tseren guai has been collecting the signatures of the people required for the Stockholm appeal for the acknowledgement of the MPR.

All the people took part in the elections and there was a one party system then therefore if the candidate’s name was chosen properly, the people didn’t protest and the elections were just. Almost two years prior to the elections the candidature’s names were deliberated by the aimags, sums and the collectives and then they were sent to the Party Central Committee. The Central Committee gave the number of deputy candidatures to the aimags.

There was a very strict and firm policy on marriage and divorce was prohibited and orphan the children and propaganda was carried out on this matter. In case such a thing happened, the person was discussed at many meetings like a family meeting, friends’ meeting and the Party and League meetings and he was made to talk himself.

The dargas of that time adhered to very strict regulations about work but during leisure time they were very friendly and they had close relations with the workers. The people used to play volleyball a great deal and they rarely consumed alcohol and wine.

In the leading positions besides knowledge and skill, communication with people, one’s behavior and the ability to be an example to the others were very important. The things the dargas used to consume didn’t much differ from the ordinary people but their children started to use better, new and extraordinary things.

Tseren guai writes a diary and he had his children and his workers write diaries. He still has his diary notebooks. He writes in Uigarjin Mongolian script [the old vertical script]. He praised the Mongolian script for its advantage of not giving the chance to miss a word or a letter when noting down a lecture or a conversation [because it is easy to write very quickly].

He has the written documentation of the work done for the ten years of 1970-1980, the people he has met and the notes of the meetings. It is valuable information with the facts and numbers of that time. He tried to publish a book with the help of his diaries but then gave up on the idea. He acknowledged the possibility of giving them to the state or the aimag archives.

He let us know many interesting facts of that time from his own ‘archives’ and let us sense the benefit and the marvel of writing a diary.