Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990151
Name: Peljidmaa
Parent's name: Begz
Ovog: Har us nuur
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1944
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: incomplete secondary
Notes on education: This most likely means 7 years of schooling.
Work: retired
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Buyant sum, Hovd aimag
Lives in: Chingeltei sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
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Summary of Interview 090313A with Peljidmaa
The family of Peljidmaa guai gave all their livestock to the collective in 1958 and came to live in the city. She went to school at the age of twelve and, having graduate seventh grade, she went to work to the military tailoring factory in 1960. This was the start of her work. With the coming of democracy in 1990 she was forced to retire.
In the socialist period the women went to work 45 days after giving birth. There used to be demonstrations and parades on the square during the October and May holidays. If you missed the parade, it was considered as an absence from work with no excuse. The buses were rare and the people were crowded in red buses with trailers. Radios were rare and there were no refrigerators, therefore every evening she bought meat and cooked at home.
There was little choice of footwear, silk or crepe. Mostly the goods came from Russia. In the 1960s at the time relations deteriorated with China, classes were taught in the administrative offices about what to do in case of war.
After three months of assistant work the employee was promoted to full rank. There were plenty of working places. Those who made mistakes at work were talked about at meetings. The people weren’t fired from work often. The salary was sufficient for life. During the cultural campaign the people regularly organized subbotniks on the weekends. The management organized visitations twice every four weeks to the ‘ails’ to inspect the hygiene. The city used to be clean.
Though the people acquired freedom with the coming of democracy, Peljidmaa guai’s generation of people became unemployed and their lives became tough. The private companies don’t give the salaries on time. She said the herders had acquired private livestock and their standard of living had improved.
Before 1990 alcohol hadn’t been sold after 10 pm. The people’s consumption of alcohol was low, too. Peljidmaa guai concluded that the education of children in modern times is an acute problem and it originates from the movies they watch and the surroundings they had been raised in.