Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990162
Name: Ailtgüi
Parent's name: Tsend
Ovog: Borjigon
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1940
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: secondary
Notes on education: büren dund
Work: master technician / retired
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Mörön sum, Hentii aimag
Lives in: Nalaih sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: seamstress
Father's profession: cook
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foreign relations
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Summary of Interview 090315A with Ailtgüi
Tsendiin Ailtgüi was born on February 2, 1940 in Ömnödelger sum, Hentii aimag. Given a herding upbringing by her parents when she was a child, she went to the center of Hentii aimag, enrolled in School Number One in 1948, and completed it 1958. She then was admitted to a polytechnic School in Ulaanbaatar in 1959. Studying there for 4 years, she graduated in 1963 as an estimator and sewing technologist. She worked for the shoe factory and went to People's Republic of Czechoslovakia to train for 3 years. She graduated at the 6th level in sewing and worked in that country for 2 years. Coming back in 1981, she worked as a sewing master technologist and quality control specialist in the shoe factory. Ailtgüi worked for 38 years in total and retired. The estimator estimates the need for each and every supporting material such as nails, strings, needles, and glue. A sewing technologist means director who control workers’ jobs and establishes norms. When she worked in the shoe factory, workers started working at 8 am in the morning according to the whistle on the factory chimney, took a break for lunch at 12 pm by the whistle, and finished their work at 5 pm by the whistle. The shoe factory was established in 1934 and was a big one with over 5000 workers. The shoe factory had several divisions specialized in boots designed for work or outdoor use, dress shoes, children’s shoes, and athletic shoes. Within each division, a single pair of shoes was ready after undergoing several sub-processes from preparation stage along 4-5 conveyors. Due to its successful manufacturing, a second factory, equipped by Czech technology and aid was opened in 1982. Thus, we had two big shoes factories called the old and the new. The shoes made in those factories in Mongolia were recognized that having good quality. Therefore, Czechoslovakia and China imported the shoes made in Mongolia. It was said that countries recycled and reworked the Mongolian shoe leathers and made new shoes. In Mongolia, raw materials were delivered directly from herders, leather coats were made from sheep and goat furs and shoes were generally made from cattle hides.