
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990181
Name: Nyamsambuu
Parent's name: Namjildorj
Ovog: Sharilj
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1956
Ethnicity: Halh

Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: Academy of Science, Geography Institute researcher
Belief: [blank]
Born in: Baruunturuun sum, Uvs aimag
Lives in: Bayangol sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: retired
Father's profession: retired

Themes for this interview are:
(Please click on a theme to see more interviews on that topic)
education / cultural production

Alternative keywords suggested by readers for this interview are: (Please click on a keyword to see more interviews, if any, on that topic)

state farm
climate change

To read a full interview with Nyamsambuu please click on the Interview ID below.

Summary of Interview 090409A with Nyamsambuu

The interviewee was born in Baruunturuun sum, Uvs aimag, in 1956. He is married and has three children. From 1964 to 1974 he studied in secondary school in Baruunturuun sum. After school, he worked as a tractor driver in a state farm until 1979 when he entered the Agricultural Institute in Ulaanbaatar. From there, in 1981, he was sent to the Soviet Union to study at the Agricultural University in Irkutsk as an agronomist-chemist. After finishing university, he worked in the state farm of ‘Oktyabr’ in Uvs aimag, where he met his wife. In 1989, he with his family moved to Ulaanbaatar to work in a research institute. In 2004, he received his doctorate degree, the topic of his thesis was ‘soil erosion’. At the time of the interview he was working as a researcher at the Institute of Geography.

In his interview, he tells about state farms, the repression, collectivization, his student years, salaries in socialist Mongolia, the privatization, and the situation with nature. He supported the democratic movement, but thinks that people in general were not ready for the privatization when it was carried out. His main argument is that people did not have adequate knowledge. Therefore, the privatization was bound to result in unfair competition. Ordinary people, like the interviewee, did not benefit. It was only a small minority who took advantage of the privatization. According to his research, pastures in Mongolia degraded dramatically, mostly due to climate change.

His grandfather on his father’s side, who was a nobleman, was denounced and executed in the 1930s. His relatives had his name rehabilitated in 1962.