Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990171
Name: Nyamaa
Parent's name: Norzod
Ovog: Dorig
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1944
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: retired, teacher
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Dalangadzad sum, Ömnögovi aimag
Lives in: Chingeltei sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: NAHYam Clerk (see notes)
Father's profession: NAHYam representative (see notes)
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education / cultural production
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To read a full interview with Nyamaa please click on the Interview ID below.
Summary of Interview 090418A with Nyamaa
Note: This summary is a combined summary of both interview parts, 090418A and 090418B.
Nyamaa bagsh is a progressive intellectual with keen and fresh thinking who has dedicated many years of her life to the people’s education. She used to teach at the musical and dance school that has trained thousands of artistic workers of Mongolian culture and art. She also taught at the technical vocational school that has trained the vocational working class in the socialist period. This interview is a tiny part of the history of the development of education in Mongolia. In other words, she is one of those who had worked and studied from the elementary school teacher to become the secondary school teacher. The teacher’s work and life show the positive and negative sides of the development of our educational system. The present-day children should inevitably have music, drawing and labor classes like in the socialist period because besides acquiring education it is necessary for the children to be educated and be formed as a personality, she said.
Her father led her to become a teacher. He said, “My daughter, live and work on the innocence of children”. She also said that people who work with children never age and they always have an optimistic and innocent heart. The education system had conducted a test on both teachers and the children and had fooled them for some period of time. It aped everything and everywhere like in the saying ‘the crow has frozen its feet aping the goose’, she also mentioned that this fact should be considered in the future. While she was still at the Teacher’s Institute she sensed we had all been set into one standard form under the socialist regime. Originally the Mongolian thinking was very good but it was set into one standard form. And nowadays it seems we are seeking a way out of it, she said.