Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990314
Name: Demberel
Parent's name: Chültem
Ovog: Chültem
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1933
Ethnicity: Ard Halh
Additional Information
Education: incomplete secondary
Notes on education: This most likely means 7 years of schooling.
Work: retired
Belief: none
Born in: Altai sum, Govi-Altai aimag
Lives in: Bayangol sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
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urban issues
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Summary of Interview 090422A with Demberel
She was born the second daughter of Chültem in 1933 in Altai sum of Gobi-Altai aimag. She has worked as a master tailor in the industrial cooperative household service.
In 1952 when she first came to the city, she nearly fainted seeing all those lights. She wondered if she could live in this city. There were no buses then. It was kind of cool to ride the Chinese cart. It had a wooden or an iron shelter with dusty dirty sack hanging from it. She was employed as an assistant of a shoe cutter in the industrial complex. She used to walk, almost running to work. If the whistle sounded it meant she was late. After work there used to be a subbotnik, a furnishing of the plant, a meeting of the party or trade union members and there was no day without something. She worked as a stitch quality controller and a master and she completed Russian and Chinese language training courses, the badges and the rhombus making courses. She shifted from one job to another and finally she came to the special service unit that served the members of the Politburo to work there as a master. The party assigned her to form a collective in the tailoring unit of the 12th district and to keep it in harmony and fulfill the planning. Within this period she was selected as a delegate of the 17th Great Hural and the deputy of the city. She has been abroad three times to enhance her qualifications. She organized the work for making the clothes for the art and cultural measures of the state.
My father’s younger brother was a darga of the Opera Theatre. He was an educated person and he was repressed. In 1964 he was rehabilitated. When she was an infant, three out of sixteen brothers and sisters of my father remained here and the others crossed the border. My mother’s father was also a gesgüü (sic: possibly gesgüi) lama. We had a large religious school that we concealed. If you had a lama origin, you would never join the party.