
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990191
Name: Dugarjav
Parent's name: Tüdev
Ovog: Doesn't know
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1939
Ethnicity: Halh

Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: retired
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Öndörshireet sum, Töv aimag
Lives in: Sühbaatar sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder, had been a lama

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Summary of Interview 090503A with Dugarjav

Dugarjav guai’s father Ochirjav guai was in jail from 1939 to 1949 as a counter-revolutionary. Though the majority of the lamas of that time became secular the people were aware about that therefore the sum administration had been informed. As a result the people from the administration came to arrest him. All the property in their ger was confiscated.

With the victory of collectivization in 1959 there were over 270 collectives. The Soviet Union allocated massive capital aimed for the establishment of the state farms in Mongolia. Thanks to the farms the vegetables were plenty then, and they were distributed to the state officials.

In the 1930s the majority of the people did livestock husbandry and only the officials got salaries. The ‘ails’ of that time consumed mostly the second grade flour, millet, grease and dried meat. A cow cost 700 tögrögs and the agent purchased the cow hide. In fact, only the agent provided fruits and candies, silk and crepe. The schoolchildren had green and blue deel uniforms and the people mostly wore lamb-skin lined deels. The countryside people often saved their money.

Through the cultural campaign the ‘ails’ became clean and many people became literate.

In order to come to the city they used to ride a post truck. Besides delivering people the post trucks delivered newspapers and letters. The so called ‘povid’ vehicle imported from the Soviet Union was used as a taxi. Vehicles were rare then. Ulaanbaatar was a small place with about 200000 of population.

In 1920-1930 the dead were wrapped in white cloth and buried. The sutra entitled ‘The Call of a Lama Condor’ had been read. Dugarjav guai also told an interesting legend about a snake preparing for hibernation. The Mongolians take encountering the snake preparing as a good omen of becoming wealthy.

It’s a very good thing that the democratic revolution of 1990 happened without any bloodshed. The people have acquired complete freedom, concluded Dugarjav guai. Concerning privatization, he gave the coupons to the Gobi Company but they conceal their profit and never give any profit to their shareholders.