Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990252
Name: Yura
Parent's name: blank
Ovog: [blank]
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1950
Ethnicity: Buriad
Additional Information
Education: secondary
Notes on education: büren dund
Work: retired (grupt)
Belief: [blank]
Born in: [None Given] sum, Ulaanbaatar aimag
Lives in: Sühbaatar sum (or part of UB), Selenge aimag
Mother's profession: seamstress
Father's profession: Colonel - NAH Yam
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cultural campaigns
relations between men and women
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Summary of Interview 090633A with Yura
Yura guai was studying in the engineering-mechanism class of the food vocational school in 1966 and he was transferred to the Soviet Union to study in the aggregate engineering class. After graduation he worked at the Baruunharaa state farm. Later he went to the city and worked as a mechanic at the jewelry factory. From 1988 he worked at the auto repair base as a driver.
After graduation he was directly appointed to work by the Ministry. The working organization provided him with an allowance. As he started work, he was given a flat and in this way the provisioning was good. The people strictly adhered to working hours and the requirements were high. There were no unemployed people, everyone had a job. Many private cooperatives have been established in Mongolia after democracy.
In the socialist period the children joined the Pioneers in the first grade and in the 8 or 10th grade they became the League members. The party members also had more provisions. The party members were examined thoroughly, and if one was divorced, he wasn’t accepted to the party.
From 1960 newspaper readings were organized between 7-8 am in the morning. The people with political knowledge used to come and do discussions. Every Wednesday evening they had trade union and youth circles.
Three changes of bed sheets, and three changes of underwear were required from each person during the cultural campaign. An inspection visit was done once a week.
The portraits of the Central Committee members used to be hung in every administration office and their words had to be learned by heart. At that time we had friendly relations with many countries like Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany and the Soviet Union. In the socialist period the women had the responsibility to take care of the children and the household problems and the men – to work and increase the living standard.
Thanks to democracy the people have acquired private property and they have the freedom to speak, Yura guai concluded.