Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990269
Name: Dolgorsüren
Parent's name: Jamiyansüren
Ovog: Jamiyansüren
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1937
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: secondary
Notes on education: büren dund
Work: retired
Belief: Buddha
Born in: Tsenher sum, Arhangai aimag
Lives in: Tsenher sum (or part of UB), Arhangai aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
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Summary of Interview 090635A with Dolgorsüren
She was born in 1937 near the river Boshgot in Orhon bordered with Bayanhongor aimag. She is from a family of herders. She has an elementary education.
Her parents had many livestock therefore they sent her younger sister to school instead of Dolgorsüren and they concealed me in the place where livestock were tethered. From the age of 4-5 she started making clothes and Mongolian shirts. She was scolded for sewing the wrong way. She would do it wrong oncee or twice and from the third time she would do better. In the collective she was a milkmaid, and she laid bricks in the aimag center. She walked 6-7 km to work and did her work at night. Later days when she worked as a shoe maker, the standard working hours were tracked very closely, so she used to shop for food secretly, hiding it from the dargas. Without a hospital check up note, it was considered an absence from work. They almost didn't have time to go to toilet. If they failed to fulfill the norms, the work was given to be done at home. So, she strove to work. She sewed without having a meal. She rarely slept.
Her mother was a very religious person. She instructed Dolgorsüren not to touch the Buddha's sacrifices in the rocks while grazing the sheep. There were many such sacrifices and even money had been offered. There were very high cliffs and she used to look at them, being inquisitive. She heard that people in the old days who had been arrested concealed their things there.
Without a hygienic corner, the children’s play corner and three changes of bed sheets the ‘ails’ were fined and they were not considered ails. Without a white gown it was prohibited to milk a cow. The consumer goods and money were scarce then but somehow they coped.