Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990247
Name: Norjmoo
Parent's name: Sodnom
Ovog: Dulaan
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1966
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: teacher
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Shanh sum, Övörhangai aimag
Lives in: Bayangol sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
Themes for this interview are:
(Please click on a theme to see more interviews on that topic)
education / cultural production
cultural campaigns
Alternative keywords suggested by readers for this interview are: (Please click on a keyword to see more interviews, if any, on that topic)
schoolchildren's life
mother - father
cultural campaigns
men - women
work - labor
To read a full interview with Norjmoo please click on the Interview ID below.
Summary of Interview 090707A with Norjmoo
S. Norjmoo was born in 1966 in Shanh sum, the present Harhorin sum of Övörhangai. After completing the eighth grade she attended the agricultural vocational school and she became a veterinarian. She had worked at Burd sum of Övörhangai and after privatization she went to Ulaanbaatar to have her children educated. She had completed two years of accelerated learning of the Agricultural Institute. At the time of giving the interview she was working for the third year at the Red Cross Association.
In the start of the interview she talked about her parents, her childhood and her school years. Her parents tended 800 state farm ewes and they fulfilled the dairy and wool plan. Her father used to hunt marmots while grazing the sheep. She collected the hunted marmots and hung them from the saddle and in this way she helped her parents. In order to fulfill the summer school assignments she together with her older brother used to kill ground squirrels. She also talked about the process of privatization. During privatization she was a veterinarian in charge of one bag that had over 30,000 livestock. Fifteen small livestock was estimated per person for the privatization, therefore the large families with many children who got salaries tending the collective livestock got very rich. She also mentioned that depending on the official position and the business acumen, some people got unequal shares from the privatization.
She also shared the things she had heard about collectivization. She talked about the work attitude of the socialist period and the changes in the process of employment. She concluded that in the recent years the people aged from 35 to 45 years are not being employed and it devalues the experienced and knowledgeable working forces.
At the end she talked in detail about the cultural campaign. She mentioned that at that time the wooden barrels used in distilling were confiscated so that the ‘ails’ could not distill Mongolian arhi. She also talked about the things she had heard about repression and she mentioned about the changes in religion and the changes in the men and women’s situations.