
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990250
Name: Lhachinsüren
Parent's name: Tüvden
Ovog: Ööld
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1939
Ethnicity: Halh

Additional Information
Education: elementary
Notes on education:
Work: retired
Belief: [blank]
Born in: Jargalan sum, Govi-Altai aimag
Lives in: Sühbaatar sum (or part of UB), Selenge aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder

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Summary of Interview 090710A with Lhachinsüren

Lhachinsüren guai was born in 1939 and at the age of 17 he got married, and in 1957 he joined the collective. Each person had a labor notebook and detailed notes were recorded there.

In the collective period the herders had few private livestock and it was how they prevented paying a large amount of tax per head of livestock or losing their livestock in drought. There were plenty of jobs then and the children respected the seniors and they had good upbringing. But today the number of unemployed people has increased and the children have become demoralized, he said.

When tending the collective livestock they were separately herded by male and female, and one flock of sheep had 350-800 head. The collective decided how many sheep to herd considering the number of the family member who could work.

The bag dargas constantly visited the ‘ails’ with propaganda and the agents traded with the ‘ails’ having carried their goods on camels. Dried curds and vegetables replaced the salary and a small amount of money was given.

The people couldn’t change their work by their own volition and they had to submit a request to the bag darga. Considering his living conditions, the sum and bag meeting resolved whether a person could change his work or not.

There is little difficulty in herding cows but the small livestock are a lot of work though their pasture is close. Horses and the camels, they do not form pasture lands therefore they are a lot of work, said Lhachinsüren guai.