
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990281
Name: Vandan
Parent's name: Ayush
Ovog: Hiad Borjigon
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1938
Ethnicity: Halh

Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: retired
Belief: Christian
Born in: [None Given] sum, Arhangai aimag
Lives in: Songinohairhan sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: [blank]

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new technologies

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Summary of Interview 090729B with Vandan

He gave us very interesting information on our transporters (drivers) of that time who 'Mongolized' the power of the truck engines increasing its energy.

Vandan was socially very active and he initiated the socialist labor brigade.

He was the leading driver therefore he had been sent to travel in the Soviet Union, Poland and Germany at state expense.

Vandan is one of the benevolent old people who have received all the awards and the allowances meant for the transporters of that time.