
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990288
Name: Tarvii
Parent's name: Ochir
Ovog: Hard
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1957
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education: state administration
Work: head of sum council (Irgenii Tölöölögchidiin Hural)
Belief: none
Born in: Hishig-Öndör sum, Bulgan aimag
Lives in: Hishig-Öndör sum (or part of UB), Bulgan aimag
Mother's profession: herder (milkmaid)
Father's profession: herder
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Summary of Interview 090736A with Tarvii
The head of the Citizens Representatives’ Assembly of Hishig-Öndör sum, Bulgan aimag.
He was born as the youngest son of his parents in 1957 in Hishig-Öndör sum, Bulgan aimag. In 1963 he went to the Hishig-Öndör sum school, and in 1971 he finished the seventh grade. He was assigned by the League to work in agriculture and livestock husbandry. In 1975 he went to serve in the army and while in the army he graduated the tenth grade. After demobilization he worked as an accountant of the first brigade of the ‘Lenin’s Road’ cooperative. In 1979 he was been promoted to brigade darga of the second brigade. In 1981 he became the darga of the third brigade, which had the largest number of livestock and the most famous men. He has a wife and five children. His children all have higher education.
Democracy and the market arrived and privatization took place from 1991 with the large and small privatizations. He took a very active part in distributing the collective’s livestock. He was an active member of the collective livestock privatization and the property privatization commissions. He heard about privatization from TV, radio and from the meetings and demonstrations, and he had some other information about it. Privatization was to be carried out by a resolution of the State Baga Hural and it had the slogan ‘The livestock will be given to the herders’. The herders acquired livestock according to the number of family members but the administration and financial organization workers didn’t receive any share of the privatization. He talked clearly and in detail about realizing the negative impact of such privatization when he became the mayor in 1996 and about the result of privatization as a person who had participated closely in the process.
Before privatization their sum collective had 65 thousand head of livestock. Initially they had 90 thousand head of livestock in 1931. What was the reason? When there were collectives, the meat provisioning was done in the Soviet Union and the provision system and planning, the standard norms were very strict which was an obstacle for raising a large number of livestock. The collective members worked well and they had plenty of young animals but the livestock numbers didn’t increase. The number was held at even level. The leading officials of that time were implicated in a crime for not fulfilling the norms and measures were taken against them; they resigned. In fact, they worked under great oppression. He talked in detail about the various work activities aimed at enhancing the collective livestock selection, its productivity and the everyday work of the collective herders.
In 1990 when there was a hunger strike aimed at the resignation of the Politburo, he gave back his MPRP certificate to the party, so he could quite the Party and support the new young people. The local areas have started to have a multi-party system, and self-governance is being established and he is the mayor.
He considers, democracy has brought freedom, the freedom to speak, the freedom to publish, the freedom to make your own decisions and it was the biggest change. In the socialist period when he was a brigade darga he used to contradict the upper-level dargas and he was punished by the party.
Thanks to democracy’s blessing he acquired a high profession. Though he finished the seventh grade, he was sent to the countryside to tend livestock by decree, not being given the chance to continue his study in the eighth grade. The policy of that time kept him from having the opportunity to enter the higher education institutions.
In 2000 he was chosen as the candidate for the parliament from the Democratic Party in his own sum. At present time he is working as the darga of the citizens’ representatives’ assembly in his sum. He talked in detail about the spread of following the party's interest in the countryside and that the attitude towards the People’s Party has become negative. He talked about how he has been working himself with the people in order to make them understand democracy.