Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990289
Name: Byambasüren
Parent's name: Jamiyan
Ovog: Taij
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1967
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education: history, geography teacher
Work: director of studies for sum 10 year school
Belief: none
Born in: Hishig-Öndör sum, Bulgan aimag
Lives in: Hishig-Öndör sum (or part of UB), Bulgan aimag
Mother's profession: service worker (Үйлчлэгч)
Father's profession: fuel supply worker
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education / cultural production
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Summary of Interview 090737A with Byambasüren
J. Byambasuren was born in 1967 in Hishig-Öndör sum of Bulgan aimag. There was an earthquake on the day of his birth in Mogod sum and it could be felt in their sum. When he was in the secondary school, he went to Mogod sum to see the traces of the earthquake and the damaged buildings. Since he was a geography teacher, he read quite a lot on earthquakes to explain to the schoolchildren about the strength of the earthquake and what other things had happened.
At the time of his birth there were no vacuum flasks. His mother lay on the bed, in labor, and suddenly the vacuum flask that was on the chest began to tremble. His mother cried at that moment, “Don’t worry about me. Just take that vacuum flask.” He remembered his mother telling him this. He said such things do not always happen on the day of your birth.
In 1974 he went to school and in 1984 he graduated and later he graduated from the State Teacher’s Institute as a history and geography teacher. He went to Hishig-Öndör school to teach. The last three years he has been working as an education manager. While he worked at the school he helped many schoolchildren to graduate. He helped many children to work, and he successfully trained the students for the nationwide Olympics. The teachers’ work attitude during socialism was very honest and faithful and life was conceived of through work. He also talked in depth about how much he paid attention to his studies and that there was no qualitative difference of education though there was many differences between the city and the countryside. His school was the leading school and several of his students nowadays study abroad with a state scholarship.
He also talked about the start of the first democratic meetings and demonstrations in 1990 and that the goods were distributed by ration coupons. It was tough time and he wondered if this kind of a situation would continue further.
Though he was born quite some time after the cultural campaigns, there were still the traces of it when he was in the secondary school and he talked how it had been carried out.
He had the mindset to teach Marxism, and praise the Revolutionary Party when all of a sudden democracy first appeared. But the discussions continued about the Gorbachev’s reform, the new mindset and the revolution. He has read a little about all this. But he feels he hasn’t fully understood the consequences of it. He thought disorder and chaos would come from blossoming of democracy but we were given an opportunity. He is satisfied with it. His two daughters have studied abroad and he considers it’s a good result of democracy. It is a merit of democracy that it has given such a remarkable opportunity to his children, though not to him.