
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990305
Name: Chuluunbat
Parent's name: Horloo
Ovog: Horchin
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1931
Ethnicity: Halh

Additional Information
Education: not given
Notes on education:
Work: retired
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Bayan-Önjüül sum, Töv aimag
Lives in: Bayangol sum (or part of UB), Ulaanbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder

Themes for this interview are:
(Please click on a theme to see more interviews on that topic)
cultural campaigns
relations between men and women

Alternative keywords suggested by readers for this interview are: (Please click on a keyword to see more interviews, if any, on that topic)

schoolchildren's life
cultural campaigns
work - labor
men and women

To read a full interview with Chuluunbat please click on the Interview ID below.

Summary of Interview 090809A with Chuluunbat

I was born in 1931 in the so called Bayan-Unjuul land of Töv aimag. I completed the fourth grade of the elementary school in Bor-Öndör (near the ‘Shuvuu’ factory). In 1951 I went to serve in the army and after three years I demobilized. I had been doing odd jobs in the railway for three years and then I was employed to work at the police and I quit in 1980.

At the bag meetings they used to agitate about the collectivization movement. We worked collectively and they used to say we could voluntarily join the negdel if we wanted to. In order to become a negdel member we gave some livestock and we got registered, and we were given collective livestock to tend. Those who had a lot of livestock and who couldn’t handle working with them, willingly joined. I didn’t join the collective and I went to serve the army.

After demobilization I worked as a watch man for the railway. Then in 1960 I first went to work for the police. The police or the forces organizations’ work is hard. The smallest example is if a drunkard comes to you and gets violent, you have to take measures to pacify him. The bosses communicated with the lower-level people as in the military. An order was an order. In the socialist period I had a salary of seven hundred and something. My wife also had work. Therefore our life was OK. There was a criterion to get employed in the socialist period. At first they will study you thoroughly and only then they will give you work. They will check where you were born and all that. There were many working places.

There used to be the so-called Water Street where Chinese used to live in a great number. Once, the Chinese were chased away from the country. There was much fuss about chasing away the so-called ‘red guards’. You can’t say ‘red guards’. I think they called the rebels this.