Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990333
Name: Mainbayar
Parent's name: Adamsed
Ovog: Nanzad
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1949
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: tusgai dund
Notes on education:
Work: retired, elementary school teacher
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Hanhongor sum, Ömnögovi aimag
Lives in: Dalangadzad sum (or part of UB), Ömnögovi aimag
Mother's profession: official (negdel head)
Father's profession: worker (electrician)
Themes for this interview are:
(Please click on a theme to see more interviews on that topic)
education / cultural production
cultural campaigns
foreign relations
Alternative keywords suggested by readers for this interview are: (Please click on a keyword to see more interviews, if any, on that topic)
childhood - student life
student discipline
secondary school
Young Pioneer organization
Youth League
cultural campaigns
foreign relations
personal life
father - mother
work - labor
funeral rituals
To read a full interview with Mainbayar please click on the Interview ID below.
Summary of Interview 090912A with Mainbayar
A. Mainbayar was born in 1949. After graduating from the State University of Pedagogy in Ulaanbaatar she worked for 38 years as a school teacher in Ömnögovi aimag’s 1st secondary school as well as a senior leader of young Pioneers.
In the beginning of the interview she narrates her life and professional experience. During socialism whenever foreign or domestic visitors would visit the school the students would line up in one line and greet them, after which there was a ritual for the guests to meet the students and comment on their impressions in comment books. The duties of senior leaders of Pioneers included responsibility for organizing such events as well as carrying out various projects related to culture and discipline of the students. She also talks about childhood and the cultural campaigns.
In a middle part she makes comparisons between life and work during socialism and the present day. During socialism students would read the book and memorize it by heart and draw conclusions and compared to nowadays the education had a higher quality. She concludes that the association of young pioneers and (Youth) League played huge role in child education. She also talks about collectivization and privatization. Although her husband formed a cooperative through gathering his family shares it went bankrupt.
Finally, she talks about foreign relations, democracy and parent - child relationships. Although following the democratic transformation people acquired a work ethic it had negative aspects such as increased instances of alcoholism. She briefly talks about religion, environmental changes and funeral rituals.