Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990335
Name: Hishigee
Parent's name: Luvsandorj
Ovog: Borjigon
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1943
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: tusgai dund
Notes on education:
Work: retired
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Shaamar sum, Selenge aimag
Lives in: Shaamar sum (or part of UB), Selenge aimag
Mother's profession: died when interviewee was 2
Father's profession: herder
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education / cultural production
foreign relations
cultural campaigns
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Summary of Interview 090914A with Hishigee
Khishgee guai is a native of Shaamar sum, Selenge aimag. In 1951 she attended the sum's elementary school. The parents of that time had a clear method for educating their children. The children had a good upbringing, so they were very active and made great efforts to study. The idea that one should become educated took shape among the people of that time.
There were 17 or 18 schoolchildren in the school's dormitory and there was a Chinese cook. At that time, children entered University after completing the tenth grade and she wasn’t able to enter the University due to her family's deprived circumstances. The teachers had high qualifications and good knowledge and they were skilled personnel. The children at the dormitory were highly disciplined and except during the seasonal vacations they weren’t able to go home or stay overnight outside the dormitory. The children didn’t play much and spent most of their time in the library. ‘The good friend of a book’ and ‘the owner of five excellent marks’ were picked out among the children and it gave them the impetus to have closer links with books. The teachers were much respected and every word of theirs was firmly carried out. The parents and the teachers had very good relations and communication. They had a patronage relationship with Russia.
The schooling program included excursions, and work associated with nature were planned which had a tremendous positive impact on the children’s education. The teachers used to make their demonstration materials by hand. The schoolchildren’s hygiene check-up commission was appointed from the school and they inspected the children.
The children’s environment of that time was very orderly and there were no discrimination cases. Everybody strived to study well then, but today laziness has taken hold, Khishgee guai said. The schoolchildren were often sent to public works in addition to their classes. Not only the children but everyone memorized the slogans and appeals and they implemented what they said. The society of that time had such a characteristic.