Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990341
Name: Nergüi
Parent's name: Chültem
Ovog: Borogchin
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1958
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education: technical labour instructor
Work: sum boss
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Dashinchilen sum, Bulgan aimag
Lives in: Dashinchilen sum (or part of UB), Bulgan aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
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cultural campaigns
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Summary of Interview 090917A with Nergüi
Mayor of Dashinchilen sum of Bulgan aimag
Ch.Nergui was born in 1958 in Dashinchilen sum. He completed secondary school there. At that time there was no opportunity to study your preferred profession. Therefore, having attended a vocational school he became a driver. Then he went to serve in the military. After the army he studied at the State Teacher’s Institute and became a technical labor teacher. Then he was appointed to work in Bayannuur sum and he started to teach there. While he taught, the democratic movement appeared in Mongolia and as a countryside intellectual he very actively supported it. Since he used to do elective trade union committee work, he arranged and organized the local democratic movement and organized meetings in the sum. He recalled how they enrolled the members. The first time they organized the meeting, they announced it as a trade union meeting. He took a very active part in 1993 when the teachers called a national strike. He supported the strike in his sum and he organized it. The aimag and the party organizations and the upper-level organizations called for the strike to be called off, but it continued for a week. He feels it is his personal contribution to democracy. He thinks he has made certain contributions in the area of renovating society, changing the mindset of the countryside people. In this sense, even until today he is still living for the sake of democracy. He is well known at the upper leadership levels of the Democratic Party and the Democratic Union. He participates in the meetings from his own position and expresses and defends his viewpoint.
He talked in detail about the driver’s work and life and about his political work.
Nergui’s mother’s father had been repressed. When he inquired from his mother about about his grandfather, his mother would never let him talk about such a thing fearing they might get in trouble. But with the blessing of democracy of 1990 the rehabilitation work has flourished, and his mother told him everything about his granddad. He talked extensively about the repression and what he knew about the forefathers on his father’s side.