
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990415
Name: Damdinsüren
Parent's name: Gelegjünü
Ovog: Ulambadrah
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1935
Ethnicity: Halh

Additional Information
Education: tusgai dund
Notes on education:
Work: tractor driver, machinist
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Öndör-Ulaan sum, Arhangai aimag
Lives in: Öndör-Ulaan sum (or part of UB), Arhangai aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder

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cultural campaigns

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Summary of Interview 091031A with Damdinsüren

The interviewer is 75 year old man who worked as a tractor driver for fifteen years. The interview is about collectivization in Arhangai province. Damdinsüren came from a generation of livestock herders and was the first to become a tractor driver and work for agricultural sector, without any livestock. In his youth he was a horse herder and at night used to guard his family horses together with his father. In the interview he tells what it involves to do that masculine job. His family contributed livestock four times during collectivization and from more than a thousand heads of livestock it had only twelve left, which was the upper limit for private livestock. He finished eighth grade and became a tractor driver to plough the land for wheat and oat growing. Most of the oat and some wheat were used to feed livestock. The tractor teachers were all Russian back in 1958. Everyone had a quota to fulfill during socialism. He got many diplomas and certificates for excellence (bayarin bichig). Damdinsüren also worked as a secretary for the collective part-time during winters. He also tells about how the milk farm worked as part of the collectives.

He is married and has eight children, all of whom have families, live independently, and are doing well. He tells about his opinions regarding the state support money that the current state gives to children, families, and poor. He sees no difference between herdsmen as everyone, regardless of their livestock count work hard and struggle against harsh weather, uncertainty, insecurity, and natural disasters.