Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990432
Name: Tseden-Ish
Parent's name: Lhagva-Ochir
Ovog: Ih Bicheech
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1960
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: incomplete secondary
Notes on education: This most likely means 7 years of schooling.
Work: herder
Belief: none
Born in: Tsetserleg sum, Hövsgöl aimag
Lives in: Tsetserleg sum (or part of UB), Hövsgöl aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
Themes for this interview are:
(Please click on a theme to see more interviews on that topic)
education / cultural production
cultural campaigns
Alternative keywords suggested by readers for this interview are: (Please click on a keyword to see more interviews, if any, on that topic)
military service
childhood - student years
child discipline
cultural campaigns
foreign relations
women's life
work - labor
boss - worker relations
funeral rituals
To read a full interview with Tseden-Ish please click on the Interview ID below.
Summary of Interview 091037A with Tseden-Ish
L. Tsedenish was born in 1960 in Hövsgöl aimag’s Tsetserleg sum. After receiving an elementary education he served in the military. Since 1981 he worked as a herder, security manager for a school, supply manager for a collective unit, checker and head of the unit until in 1991 he started herding his own livestock.
In the beginning of the interview he talks about his parents and his life. He also mentions about period when he was a student, relationship between parent and children, collectivization and lives of members of collectives. The “Enh Amidral” (literally translated as Peaceful Life) negdel apart from raising livestock and pigs used to also operate small sub-factories that made bricks and prepared wood.
In the middle part he briefly mentions belief and religion, the process of the cultural campaigns and their purpose. One of the signs that the cultural campaigns lasted until 1970 was the fact that traveling teachers used to work in milk farms and teach literacy to local people. He thinks that one of the merits of democracy was that it brought freedom. He also talks about how the collective’s property was privatized. He tells how there was a meeting that involved all members of the collective; livestock was distributed to herders, part of other properties were privatized and another part was left to the company that was built on the basis of the collectives. The money and property left to the new company was embezzled, as he understands, by those who worked in the company.
Towards the end he talks about possibilities of getting hired during socialism, work ethic, relationship between management and subordinates, family, foreign relations and environment. He also talks about service in the military, how funeral rituals changed over the years and about state policies towards women during socialism.