
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990455
Name: Dalhsüren
Parent's name: Gordoo
Ovog: Toos
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1951
Ethnicity: Halh / Hotgoid
Additional Information
Education: elementary
Notes on education:
Work: retired
Belief: yes
Born in: Tsagaan Uul sum, Hövsgöl aimag
Lives in: Tsagaan Uul sum (or part of UB), Hövsgöl aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
Themes for this interview are:
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education / cultural production
cultural campaigns
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Summary of Interview 091054A with Dalhsüren
I was born in 1951 in Tsagaan Uul sum of Hövsgöl aimag. I graduated from the fourth grade, and learned to be a harvester driver at Ar Hustai school.
The school dormitory was built with low quality wood, which was worse than the household storehouse. We'd make a fire with firewood in a very big ironstove the size of a toono (the wooden roof ring in a ger). We'd stand around it when it is very cold and some of us burned their lower part of the coat and facility wasn’t really comfortable there. Flour was scarce at that time, no one cooked boortsog (a treat of fried dough). We'd usually eat diary products and blood sausage without meat. We learned reading and mathematics in the sum primary school. At that time, children graduated the fourth class, but the quality of teaching was quite good. When I was in first and second grade, I never saw a movie, and was afraid of car; when there was one or two going near our home I ran away.
In my childhood, it was very difficult to worship an ovoo, or be religious. Officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were very strict about religious activities and just arrest someone, and those arrested disappeared without a trace. Only one person came back 10-20 years later.
In Mongolia, collectives were formed and the livestock was collectivized. It means that the livestock became state property. In that time the salary was low. There was a plan to take a certain number of kilograms of wool and milk from one sheep. If anyone cannot fulfill this duty, they will be brought to court. In the beginning of 1970s, the collectivization movement developed further. The Cultural campaign was very aggressive, oh my god. They came into the households and checked and took if they find any dirty shirts, towels and underwear and show them at the meetings as evidence. They would call the person who is the owner of these things in front of others and imposed a fine. As a result of this cultural movement, each household had to have a library and reeducate people if someone was illiterate.