Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990481
Name: Halzanhüü
Parent's name: Maam
Ovog: Borjigon
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1935
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: elementary
Notes on education: Бичиг үсэгт тайлагдсан, бага боловсролтой
Work: retired
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Tsogttsetsii sum, Ömnögovi aimag
Lives in: Dalangadzad sum (or part of UB), Ömnögovi aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
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new technologies
foreign relations
cultural campaigns
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Summary of Interview 091205A with Halzanhüü
Halzanhüü was born in 1935 in Iher Luus, Tsogttsetsii sum of Ömnögovi aimag. He is a herder. In 1944-1948 he studied in an elementary school. From 1953 in Tsogttsetsii sum he had assisted one person in carpentry and then he began to work as a carpenter in a workshop. The desolate temples and monasteries were occupied by the people and they established the sum. Some of the former monastery buildings were occupied by a sum school, school kitchen and a shop etc. A workshop occupied the place nearby where there had been a large monastery.
One of our blacksmith used to make the saddle stirrups and a bridle-bit making the iron red-hot. Then, once, after he had been walking for a while, he found something like stones, and he took some slightly soft and smaller ones and tried to burn them, and found they gave off heat. The source of coal was discovered in this way, and after that, the sum schools that used to burn wormwood they had gathered began to burn coal. In the 1950s one Russian unit was conducting minerals research in the area. Later Dundgovi and Dornogovi aimags used to extract coal and in 1962 it was taken over by the state.
At that time lice used to run on the clothes and in the folds. They could be seen on the clothes and it was awful. There was no soap to wash with. The so-called ‘luiver’ plant grew and we washed in its juice. There used to be the so-called toirom [a site of a dried-up pond] where rainwater would collect, and which we used to run through and bathe in. Thanks to the cultural campaigns people became civilized and they began to wash their clothes, got rid of the lice, and began to wear work clothes.