Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990573
Name: Jagdag
Parent's name: Damdingombo
Ovog: Borjigin
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1936
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: secondary
Notes on education: büren dund
Work: retired / driver
Belief: none
Born in: Hentii (now Ömnödelger) sum, Hentii aimag
Lives in: Herlen sum (or part of UB), Hentii aimag
Mother's profession: cook
Father's profession: carpenter
Themes for this interview are:
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Alternative keywords suggested by readers for this interview are: (Please click on a keyword to see more interviews, if any, on that topic)
nature and environment
children's upbringing
auto transportation
To read a full interview with Jagdag please click on the Interview ID below.
Summary of Interview 100533A with Jagdag
I was born in 1936 in Ömnödelger sum of Hentii aimag. After completing the fourth grade at the sum elementary school, I moved to Binder sum and completed the seventh grade there. After finishing the tenth grade in the aimag centre I became a film mechanic and had worked for 17 years. Then I became a driver and was working as a film mechanic at the same time. Later, in 1968, I was employed as a driver at a base [depot] and I retired from there in 1991.
We didn’t have the time to get information on privatization when it began. Things weren’t explained in detail for the working class and the simple people. The base trucks stayed in the garage for two years and all of a sudden a meeting was organized one day. People were asked if the truck should stay this way or be privatized, so the drivers proposed to privatize them. Then, once more a meeting was organized and the trucks were privatized and we were told the value of the trucks. The drivers paid the price of the trucks and privatized them. I bought one for about 300 thousand tögrögs. After having privatized the truck I used it for transporting the dried and compressed dung, moving the ‘ails’ and transporting the goods of traders. Otherwise, I have nothing that I could say I had privatized. Our drivers, having obtained the trucks, disappeared, scattering in all directions. Some of them went away having sold the trucks and some remained doing some temporary transportation service. But the trucks garage and yard had not been privatized. Nobody knows what happened to the base office, the carpets, pictures and the tables that were inside. The pink and blue privatization coupons were distributed, and we gave the 5-6 people’s share to ‘Gobi’ but they never told us to come and take our share. When they were initially distributing the coupons, we weren’t told how to get registered at the stock exchange and get the share. I don’t know how privatization was carried out in other factories and economic units. Only the cunning people operated with the things that had no owners for about 1, 2 years. When the building was to be demolished there was nobody who would a say a word or audit the process therefore some were demolished and others were shipped away. The people who had been working in the flour plant had no salary for several years therefore they had gradually wandered away. The equipments had been passed on and sold to many people and it was all removed and sold. It was said that some people purchased the blue coupons by the bucketload and then purchased a factory with them.
I was very much interested in driving a car. I had never been exhausted or discouraged. For example, when they used to tell me to transport cement from Dornod, I went and transported over ten tons of cement. That’s why in 15 years I had done the equivalent of 37 years of work and acquired the honorable title of ‘Merited Transporter of Mongolia’. I had calculated that 27 days a year were all that I stayed at home. At the time of reaching such success the base did two things to honor me: my rare spare parts were been preserved with my name on them and the trip tickets had been recorded and kept ready. Thanks to that I get the additional allowance of the ‘merited’ to my pension.
Besides the above topic he talked about democracy, nature & environment and childhood.