
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990595
Name: Ganbaatar
Parent's name: Choi
Ovog: Buuraluud
Sex: m
Year of Birth: 1947
Ethnicity: Dariganga
Additional Information
Education: higher
Notes on education:
Work: Senior Association head
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Baruun Urt sum, Sühbaatar aimag
Lives in: Baruun Urt sum (or part of UB), Sühbaatar aimag
Mother's profession: Can't read
Father's profession: Government worker
Themes for this interview are:
(Please click on a theme to see more interviews on that topic)
cultural campaigns
keepsakes / material culture
education / cultural production
Alternative keywords suggested by readers for this interview are: (Please click on a keyword to see more interviews, if any, on that topic)
history of Dariganga
To read a full interview with Ganbaatar please click on the Interview ID below.
Summary of Interview 100613B with Ganbaatar
Sühbaatar aiamg is full of beautiful nature and animals to hunt. Its people live in accordance with nature, but recently the cars and the motorcycles have increased, which has a negative impact on the pasture land. The decrease in number of the animals that can be hunted rankles the heart of Ganbaatar guai. Also, it’s regrettable that forcing bad vehicles to the countryside increases air pollution not only in the city but in the countryside.
The Dariganga land was the possession of the son of Batmönh Dayan Haan, Gersenz, and after the place had been conquered by the Manchu it was transformed into a base to tend the Manchu military horses and cattle. The famous Altan Ovoo was made a state-worshipped ovoo in 1913 by the order of the Bogd Khan but for some time there had been no religion therefore in 2004 by the order of the President once more it was made a state worshipped ovoo. The Dariganga people are famous for their skilled craftsmen and their works are masterpieces by their design and style, and the people are still amazed by their beauty. Many good men (sain ers) who resisted the Manchu state were from the Dariganga land and among them there was Toroi bandi, who is respected by the Mongolian state and there were many other famous good men as well.
After revolution the aimags were established by the territorial administration structure and there was Dariganga sum of Dornod aimag, and later in 1942 the so called Javhlant sharga aimag was founded at Mandal monastery. At that time 10 sums from Dornod aimag and 4 sums from Hentii aimag were combined and they created Sü hbaatar aimag.
In 1956-1957 for the first time the cultural campaign was intensely carried out in the center and the countryside, and Ganbaatar guai said it had a great influence. Each ail had to observe proper hygiene and read books and newspapers, watch movies and plays and thus they were civilized. It was a wide-reaching work. Also, works like learning new songs to study foreign languages and public dances were organized in great numbers. This continued intensely until 1960.