Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990528
Name: Javzmaa
Parent's name: Günsen
Ovog: Besüüd
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1943
Ethnicity: Halh
Additional Information
Education: incomplete secondary
Notes on education: This most likely means 7 years of schooling.
Work: tailor (private business) / worked in factory
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Altai sum, Govi-Altai aimag
Lives in: Yosonbulag sum (or part of UB), Govi-Altai aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder
Themes for this interview are:
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education / cultural production
cultural campaigns
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Summary of Interview 100803A with Javzmaa
Javzmaa guai was born in 1943 and she studied at school until she graduated the seventh grade. She then worked as a tailor in the arteli and she soon began to work as a cutter. All the work was conducted according to the planning and the standard norms and the workers endeavored to economize on the time and materials and produce quality things. There used to be plenty of Russian notebooks that didn’t absorb ink, dipped pens, textbooks and notebooks. The schoolchildren had red ties and they became Pioneers and every week the children were mobilized to take part in subbotniks and other social works.
Thanks to the cultural campaign the people became literate and were a socially clean and neat generation. She concluded that there had been big changes in education and health sectors. The cultural campaign continued from 1960 to 1980 and it was impressed on the minds of the people until it was implemented in their lives.
The people didn’t run away work but today there are lots of cases of laziness and scrounging. At that time there were few obstacles to being employed at the plants and factories, and if a person really was capable of work, he was employed without any delay. The qualification enhancement training courses were conducted and the vocational ranks and certificates were handed out. Also, there were resorts where the trade union members and the leading workers could have leisure time free of charge and the workers could have such leisure time. The women’s and the League central committee organizations conducted various work activities directed to train the future generation and teach them to labor.
There used to be socialist labor brigades in all the industrial places, and they constantly made technological innovations in order to fulfill the planning norms ahead-of-schedule. Such brigades were established voluntarily and they got assignments and worked to fulfill them.
The privatization was conducted dishonestly and it can be said firmly that a few dargas who had worked a few years had shared all the property between each other, said Javzmaa guai. A few people in authority privatized the property to their own advantage and the workers and the ordinary citizens were left empty handed.