
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990582
Name: Tserendulam
Parent's name: Bidernee
Ovog: Oryas
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1946
Ethnicity: Urianhai

Additional Information
Education: secondary
Notes on education: büren dund
Work: retired
Belief: Buddhist
Born in: Duut sum, Hovd aimag
Lives in: Jargalant sum (or part of UB), Hovd aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder

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Summary of Interview 101102B with Tserendulam

Tserendulam guai explained about her cap decorations, saying that they have the symbol of a flame that goes upwards.

Since 1990 many religions have appeared simultaneously in Hovd like Islam, Christianity, Morgan (??) and Buddhist churches. There are many people who invited her to visit Christian meetings. Recently shamans have been increasing in number.

The cultural campaign gave a lot to the people. Hot water appeared in the sums, everyone acquired a face towel and blankets. Adults and children alike were undressed to be examined. The toughest thing was the venereal disease inspection. The adults were queued to be examined. It was said, some children had come to naadam with their parents nude. The sum center ‘ails’ had a hot water schedule. A picture of a pig was hung to make the people clean their fences. The people who had good hygiene were given tubs or horses.

Tserendulam guai worked as a nurse in a sum hospital. Their sum hospital had ten beds and nurses for two shifts.

In 1990 a hunger strike was announced in the aimag theatre similar to one we had in Ulaanbaatar. The people accepted it in various ways and her husband said, “The society is changing and this kind of a thing should be there.”

She has given the privatization coupons to her husband’s administration work place. In later days she has received only 150.000 tögrögs. The herders got their livestock but mostly the cunning and the quick-minded people could get the most. Tserendulam guai has clothes made by her mother from jatar and speckled materials. She has a tovshuur with a tsatsal (device used for ritual sprinkling) head.

In 2000, for the 800th anniversary, Tserendulan guai represented the Urianhai nationality. She has met the Urianhai of Bayan-Ölgii aimag and took part in the ‘Instant’ TV program. The present day Urianhais residing in the countryside don’t wear the national clothes and they don’t know how to sew them. Tserendulam guai talked extensively about her artistic trips and her performances. When participating in the clothes festival, she lost the tobacco pouch and the cup case she had sewn.

She said she was going to participate in the state festival of the biyelgee dancers and thus she ended her interview.