
Basic information
Interviewee ID: 990587
Name: Javzan
Parent's name: Gungaajav
Ovog: Borjigon
Sex: f
Year of Birth: 1927
Ethnicity: Halh

Additional Information
Education: none
Notes on education:
Work: herder / retired
Belief: Christian
Born in: Tsetseg sum, Hovd aimag
Lives in: [None Given] sum (or part of UB), Hovd aimag
Mother's profession: herder
Father's profession: herder

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Summary of Interview 101107B with Javzan

Javzan guai told how she married her son off. When marrying off her son, they prepared the ger and the wooden parts of the ger were bought from Zavhan. When marrying off her daughter, they prepared a bed, a chest, wardrobe and clothes. For matchmaking they considered the day, and the wedding day was agreed between the two sides and they organized festivites. Having considered the day, they moved to the groom’s place and celebrated the wedding.

When Javzan guai got married, they just joined each other from the two sides and the wedding ceremony was rare and secret then. In case of the parents’ disapproval the bride escaped from them and got married. The Kazakh custom mostly consists in fleeing.

In the olden times the (auspicious) days for the funeral were not considered but nowadays they are. When her father died, he was buried in three hours in an open place. Her mom died in 1971 and after waiting a night she was buried.

She doesn’t often visit lamas and she looks at the calendar to manage her work. Her father was a person who compounded herbs. Javzan guai’s father, her father-in-law and her oldest son are all hunters. In the socialist period the hunters hunted on a contract basis. Today deer, marmot and squirrels are rare and the wolves have increased. Since 1990 the poachers have increased. The hunters performed their rituals. Since 1990 the number of prophetic people has increased. Also, the nature and the weather have dried up, and the people started to dig the ground in search of gold in her homeland.